The Aloha Books can be used on their own or with the teachers guide.
This curriculum guide provides lesson plans for the following student workbooks; upper elementary book “Aloha — What It Means to My ‘Ohana and Yours” and lower elementary book “Aloha — What It Means to My ‘Ohana”.
Our goal in creating this curriculum guide is to make the teacher’s job easier in delivering and teaching the book, and for students to gain a better understanding of the Hawaiian culture and the place they call home.
There are numerous applications that can be used individually or combined, including:
· As a tool that supports the Hawaii Board of Education Policy 3-E, Nā Hopena A’o. Statements. The content of the book is directly related to and aligns with the Statements of Nā Hopena A’o.
· “Building Character through Aloha” - Included in this guide are 14 lessons of Aloha taught in the classroom, that serve as a character guide for kids individually and as an entire classroom, helping develop their social-emotional well-being.
· Can be used as a tool for a Hawaiian Studies program.
· The values can be expanded upon through a school’s Kupuna Program. Kumus can go more in-depth into the cultural aspects and provide an even deeper meaning and examples for each Hawaiian value.
· Counselors can utilize the book to help further expand on existing programs. Lessons cite and support CASEL Competencies, as well as school GLO’s.
· Each lesson cites and supports DOE Academic Standards (CCSS, NGSS, and/or HCPS III) and GLO’s, and can be used in the classroom for writing, reading, social studies, Hawaiian studies, arts and above all a platform to share their opinions and create their own questions and answers.
There are 2 components to all 14 lesson plans of Aloha : the first component is intended to both guide students through the workbook lesson, and expand upon that lesson with additional, grade-level specific activities; the second component is the “Building Character Through Aloha” social-emotional lesson. This lesson can be implemented by the teacher, or a counselor. It relates to, and references, the workbook lesson, however, it is a stand-alone lesson, and could be delivered separately.